Our Story

About Eden Farm

Our Story:

In the year 1990 my then wife Suzanne,  developed a serious auto immune illness.

3 years later our then 2 1/2 year old daughter was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.It was clear we had some medical issues to deal with.
Our son was born premature because of my Suzanne’s illness and in 2009 at the age of 16 he was diagnosed with an auto immune disease that required medication for him to function normally.
It became clear that many processed foods were contributing to ill health and limiting healing in our family so we sought clean, natural food but it was hard to find this locally. We began to raise our own meat and grow fruit and veggies and many friends and family commented on the great taste.
Food that we had not tolerated before was now a part of our diet when we grew it ourselves.
After the drought in the 2000’s we began to build up our beef herd again and had friends wanting to buy some of our meat. Thus Eden Farm Produce was birthed in 2015.
We do what we do because we know people are looking for alternatives to supermarket food. We have first hand experience in the difference clean, nutrient rich, food can make in the health of our bodies and minds.
This is why we have sought to live sustainable with our home, power usage and food production. We want to take what has benefited us and provide it to others.

We very quickly became proactive in seeking health. We combined medical help with trial and error, finding food intolerances through our own growing knowledge from personal experience.

During these years we had family involved in the Biodynamic farming field with dairying and after purchasing Eden Farm we too followed Biodynamic farming practices. We started growing beef cattle.

All our lives we have had a philosophy of clean, green, sustainable living.

Sadly, in 2019 Suzanne passed away from complications from her illness. 

We are now more than ever, determined to bring our knowledge of health and the benefits of good food to others.  Your life and health is important to us. We would love to help you on your health and food journey. 



Where it all began…

The Baker family purchased Eden Farm at the start of May 2001.

The farm had only a few old established gum trees and natives around the farm house so we began planting hundreds of local native varieties.

At the end of 2002 we started spraying 500 to begin the process of converting the farm to BioDynamic Farming principals.

500 is a Bio-Dynamic preparation. 500 – is considered the most powerful substance on earth for the development of soil fertility. Sprayed on moist soil, it fosters microbial activity, humus development and root growth, and leads to progressively better structured, richer, deeper and darker soils. It is made from cow manure.

We purchased a small herd of Beef Shorthorn cattle at the start of 2003.

In September 2004 Eden Farm became fully Certified Bio-Dynamic.

With the drought making farming increasingly hard we stopped spraying out 500 end of 2005 which ended our Bio-Dynamic certification.

In 2012 our farm was affected quite hard by the March 2012 flood. Almost all of our 150 acres was under water. We used a boat to get hay to the cows on a channel bank on the highest patch of land on our property. The flood killed off all pasture we had on the farm. We were very grateful for  all the community help during the flood.

The flood prevented our new Maine-Anjou bull Kyle from coming to his new home at Eden Farm. After the water cleared we were able to bring him home.

Since we have had Kyle we have been slowing working toward having a Maine-Anjou cattle herd. All our calves now are Beef Shorthorn x Maine-Anjou.

Kyle has since gone to his new home as his babies are now at joining age.

Last Autumn we started spraying on the paddocks the Bio-dynamic preparation 500.  We have just last week sprayed the Bio-dynamic preparation 500 again, on the paddocks that were irrigated over Easter.  We had a cool and cloudy day with some drizzle, which was ideal for spraying the Bio-dynamic preparation 500.  The other reason this was a good time was that the pasture was very short and much of the ground was exposed.  This is great for spraying as the Bio-dynamic preparation can touch the ground more than the pasture.  This is where it is needed.

Our Story. Stirring Bio-Dynamic preparation 500



The Baker Family have owned Eden Farm Produce for the last 24 years.

In those 24 years we have never used any type of chemicals or fertilisers on our pastures.

Our beef is drench free, vaccine free and anti-biotic free. Our animals are totally grass fed and finished.  We do not feed grain or pellets, just grass. This makes the omega 3 in our beef very high.

We are Demeter Biodynamic Certified. This means we look after our soil health. We have not sprayed pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or used fertilisers on our farm in 24 years. Healthy soils create healthy beef which reflects in the quality of our meat.

High quality biodynamic grass fed meat can be yours just by clicking on the “shop” tab.